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Time To Back Up The Truck And Buy China

The two newest residents of the San Diego Zoo, pandas Xin Bao and Yun Chuan, arrived in California in June. Since 1972, China has loaned out pandas to American zoos to bolster international relations.

China’s ambassador to the U.S., Xie Feng, foreshadowed the pandas’ diplomatic significance when they debuted… Xie spoke of strengthening “exchanges” and “stabilizing” broader relationships…

Those words carry a lot more weight now. Today, China is shoring up its economy in a big way. And among other things, it’s likely hoping to court Western investors.

Several weeks after the pandas’ debut, China announced a new fiscal regime… And it could be a “back up the truck and buy” moment for the country’s stock market.

Let me explain…

This post originally appeared at DailyWealth.